And the 2021 Claris Excellence Award for Innovation goes to…!
It is a great honor and pleasure for us to announce that 1-more-thing has been awarded today with the most sought-after prize: the Claris Excellence Award for Innovation.
Indeed, the jury has recognized our revolutionary FileMaker hosting service, and the fact that it is light years of advance on traditional services.
For two years, has revolutionized practices by allowing companies of all sizes to benefit from a true cloud to deploy the FileMaker low code platform, and to gain in performance, serenity and cost.
A Real Cloud Running On Linux/Docker
We have invested heavily to enable FileMaker Server to run on a Linux/Docker architecture, with an “architecture as code” offering extraordinary flexibility.
We are able to deploy or upgrade thousands of servers around the world in seconds, and our customers have access to monsters of power at a price often lower than the simple cost of ownership of a local server.
But our efforts don’t stop there. It’s a pleasure to see how Claris optimizes each release, allowing our team to optimize in turn so as to deliver ever more powerful and cost-effective solutions.

We would like to warmly thank Claris for this award, but also, of course, the dozens of consultants around the world who rely on our FileMaker hosting service their clients’ applications and their own development environment, and who contribute to the reputation of this first-class service.
Also special thanks to Nick Lightbody and Christian Schmitz (MonkeyBread Software, MBS) for their great reviews here and here.